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New Equipment - Vacuum Dryer Machine In Warning Light Industry


What is vacuum drying?

Vacuum drying is a batch operation performed in an air-tight vessel. Using vacuum pumps, the pressure and humidity within the chamber are reduced. By lowering the atmospheric pressure within the chamber, the materials inside dry more quickly through contact with the indirectly heated walls.

Why we use vacuum drying?

Convective dryers circulate hot air through and over the products, thus reducing the humidity of the atmosphere around the product and causing the solvent to evaporate. The hotter the air, the quicker the product will dry.
In Automotive industry, the vacuum drying is mainly applied in winter or in rainy day in four seasons, to avoid the formation of water vapor inside the warning light after assembly in a high-humidity environment. It can also shorten the warning light glue drying time to increase productivity. With vacuum drying equipment, we can keep the warning light in a stable quality.

Advantages of the vacuum dryers:
1.Vacuum dryers can improve the production efficiency of Vehicle lights
2.The glue of warning light can be quicker drying, reduce the the probability of lights water ingress
3.Decrease the condensation in warning light like the led lighthead or warning lightbar
4.Improve our warning light quality stability which is NOVA always looking for.